Monday 30 June 2014

Salam 1 Ramadan 1435H.


Assalamu'alaikum wbt dan salam Ramadan.

Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Allah swt kerana dengan kurniaan rahmat-Nya dapat kita bertemu lagi dengan bulan Ramadan yang penuh barakah. Nikmat yang tidak terhingga kurniaan Allah yang Esa. 

Subhanallah, tatkala pengumuman Ramadan di kaca tv diumumkan, rasa sebak hati ni. Kenapa sebak? Sebak sebab ada antara kawan-kawan kita yang sudah tidak merasai nikmat Ramadan seperti kita dapat rasakan pada hari ini. Hargailah! Doakan kesejahteraan mereka yang telah terlebih dahulu menyahut seruan Ilahi. Al-Fatihah!

Suasana Ramadan pada kali ini agak berbeza seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Kesedaran umat Islam tentang nikmat Ramadan semakin meluas. Ramai yang mula mencari nikmat Ramadan yang mungkin selama ini mereka tidak sedar termasuklah diri ini. Alhamdulillah. Cuma agak terkilan dengan segelintir manusia yang sentiasa mencari silap orang lain. Cuba berubah ke arah kebaikan diperli, disindir tapi kalau kita masih di takuk lama pun diherdik, dihina. Hmmm.


Kita terserempak dengan kawan di surau dan kita pun tegur,

"Masa terawih je ke kau datang surau?"

Masa ni pulalah kita sibuk keluarkan ayat,

"Bulan Ramadan ni lah baru penuh surau ni. Aku nak solat pun sampai tak da ruang."

Allahu Allah. Sedar tak dalam diam sebenarnya kita dah sakitkan hati orang lain yang sedang memanfaatkan bulan yang mulia ini. 

Ada juga sesetengah manusia yang acah-acah hakim mengadili tindak tanduk manusia lain,

"Bila tiba Ramadan je ke baru kau nak berubah?"

Bukan ke sepatutnya kita patut ucap Alhamdulillah bagi pihak kawan kita.
Kita mendoakan kesejahteraan dia dan doa supaya dia terus istiqamah.
Kita nak masuk syurga sama-sama dengan sahabat bukan sorang-sorang. Ye dak?

Daripada kita yang kononnya tak perlu nak tengok cermin tapi sentiasa rasa dah cukup sempurna,
rupanya diri kita ni masih di takuk lama dan tak berbuat apa-apa, lebih baik lagi mereka yang cuba perbaiki diri dan tahu hargai nikmat Ramadan. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka masih ada usaha mencari Allah. Jangan mudah menilai orang. Kita takkan pernah tahu, mungkin mereka akan jadi jauh lebih baik daripada kita. Siapa tahu, mereka tetamu Allah yang di nanti-nanti di dalam syurga yang abadi. 

Oleh itu, sama-samalah muhasabah diri pada bulan yang mulia ini. Jangan kerana kata-kata kita, kita menyebabkan orang yang sedang mencari Allah, tawar hatinya, lemah dirinya untuk terus berdiri. Berfikir sebelum bercakap, atau lebih baik diam daripada menyakiti. Kalau Ramadan ni pun mulut sibuk mengata, tangan kita pun sibuk menaip bukan-bukan untuk membahan orang lain, itu bukan masalah syaitan but it is in you. Mari kita sama-sama muhasabah.

Akhir kata, salam Ramadan 1435H. Taqabalallahu mina wa minkum. Jaga hati, jaga lidah, jaga pandangan, jaga pendengaran. =)

Sebarkan kasih sayang kerana Allah,

Qusyaimah Rosman

Sunday 15 June 2014

Happy Father's Day Papa :)


Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.

It's 1.39 am right now and I'm still updating my blog. Am I an owl? Hihi. -_-

I thought I would like to update something 'special' for me since hati tenang je layan zikrullah di YouTube. Suara mereka, subhanallah sangat awesome.  Hmm, anyway I love writing so I will write everything here. It's all about my stories. I don't ask people to like it but I really appreciate to those who enjoy my writing and I know sometimes it's quite boring. Lalala~ =P Hope some of my entries can give some good message to others. Harap-haraplah ye. Mungkin boleh jadi saham akhirat nanti. Insyaa Allah.

What am I going to talk about for this entry? Haha. Hmm actually, I just wanna to wish Happy Father's Day to my only hero, soul, heart, love and so on and he is my papa. <3

Dear Papa With Love,

Some things will always be in style. Good solid things like honesty, trust and caring about people. It's qualities like these that keep us aware of who we are and what we can give to life. It's qualities like these, Papa, that you've taught me to value through your influence, your example and your love. It has mad me love you very much and has made me very proud to have you as my papa.

In the future, I may love a man a lot, and someday I will marry him. He'll take your responsibility to taking care of me. But, in the end I'll remind you that no matter what happens, I'll love you and you'll always be the best man I know. I promise you that I'll always be your great daughter. In shaa Allah.

I love you papa. Moga Allah jaga papa, lindung papa dunia dan akhirat. 

Terima kasih besarkan kami sehingga hari ini. Allah akan balas semuanya.
Kami tak mampu nak balas semua jasa papa sebab tak ternilai dengan apa yang papa berikan. 
Terima kasih atas segalanya. :')

"Our Lord ! Forgive me and my parents and (all) the believers on the Day and the reckoning will be established." [Surah Ibrahim 14:41]

My papa and my lil brother ^_^

**Rasa nak terbang balik Johor saat dan ketika ini juga. Haha. Tak pe, seminggu lebih je lagi. ^_^

Qusyaimah Rosman

Thursday 12 June 2014

Tahajjud : The Strenght of Mukmin.



Fuhhhh. Life has been soooo busy, -_- as I need to face my final for more 2 weeks. But still life is getting better. **Take some break to update my dearest blog. kihkih. Salam Nisfu Syaaban to all muslimin and muslimat. May Allah accepted all of our ibadah. Allahumma amin. So, tonight I think I just want to share with all about, tahajjud as the strenght of mukmin.

Pin drop silence lingers all around. Hustle and bustle has faded out. In the tranquility of twilight, all have curled up under their blankets, slipped into deep sleep.

Getting quietly out of his cozy blanket, a believer makes ablution and silently engrosses himself into a conversation with his Lord. Sun is still down, may be hours left to rise. Under the veil of night, he is immersed in prayers, long prostration, murmurings of sincere penitence. He opens up to His Merciful Lord. Imagine how delighted that heart would be at dawn, seeing his new daybreak as a purified soul!

Tahajjud is a highly favoured tradition of a Prophet SAW. It's the golden opportunity to strenghten one's faith, to meditate down your mind, and to clear off your sins. The supplications and the Quran we recite during Tahajjud help us keep our faith and grow roots of belief deeper and stay strong.

Prophet SAW use to recommend Tahajjud highly. He used to elaborate on its benefit in the life here and hereafter. In early periods of prophethood, Tahajjud was given prime importance. "and during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory" [17:79]. This and many Quranic verses were instructions to the Prophet SAW regarding Tahajjud.

Nothing beats Tahajjud when it comes to inner strenght to a believer. The power and potential it provides unimaginable and ineffable. Quran says that waking up from sleep in the midst of night helps to attain self control and to better recite al-Quran.

Look at this hadeeth from our Prophet SAW, "be vigilant in standing up in prayer at night for it was the practice of the pious before you. it is a means of gaining proximity to Allah Taala, an expiation for transgressions and a barrier from sins" (Tirdmizi).

For a caller to Islam, the moments of Tahajjud are a respite, and a strong rope to hold fast to. During Tahajjud, he gives his words and deeds a retrospect, shares his worries, and concerns with Allah, eases the burden on his shoulders.

Only strong willed can wake up at a moment when mind and body refuses to leave cozy cushions of comfort, wandering in the dreamland of desires. In another reporting from Thabraani, Prophet SAW says, "If one intents to offer Tahajjud, an Angel approaches him and tells: " its time up to wake up. Pray and remeber your Lord. and the satan comes and tells him, "Night is still young sleep over for some more time. If you get up now for prayer, your eyes will turn red, you will grow weak, sleeplessness will eat up your vitality. If this person follow satan he sleeps off without praying and the satan urinates in his ears."

My dear, for all this while, who were you following?

Qusyaimah Rosman