Monday 4 February 2019

Why Does Allah Bring People Into Your Life?


There are moments when we leave them, and then go back to them as well, or they come back to us, but in the end, it was never meant to happen. It's getting too difficult for us to move on with something we couldn't imagine having. We so want to ask this question from Allah directly so that we get to know why does He send some people in our life, makes us live with them and then they leave us. We don't find any lesson except for the pain when they leave. 

Allah brings people into our lives for a purpose, and He then takes them away when their purpose is done. Every experience we have with people we meet is meant to teach us something. When He removes them from our life, we must say "Alhamdulillah" because there is most definitely a lesson we've learned that we can't comprehend at this moment. We'll never really know for sure what roles people play in our life, but if we look back, we'll realize that they have either sparked the cogs of change or have taught us something valuable. 

Allah places people in our lives with a specific times to suit a specific reason and removes them from our lives at specific times. Rather than thinking about why do the leave, think about "Why did the enter that will  make our life meaningful." The life of this world is transitory, it's a journey, and everyone we meet will leave us one day, and someone's leaving may drive us to think about the life - loss and gain. 

Life is all about losing and gaining. Not every friendship or relationship is meant to be what we have imagined. We always imagine a happy ending, but we forget that sad endings also exist. And maybe- just maybe, to teach us to value the people around us who don't want to leave us. 

People come and go. So, learned to appreciate who are still with us through thick and thin. May Allah give us the best friends and partner to lead us to Jannah. Insyaa Allah.

And remember, Allah always knows best. :')


Strong as always, 
Qusyaimah Rosman

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